Tattershall School of Defense

Dedicated to the study of Historical European Martial Arts

Knowledge vs Tricks

Tattershall classes are structured to facilitate a systematic approach of learning technique and tactics, based in the study of historic swordplay. Our students learn fencing theory, rather than “tricks” that may only work in specific situations. Instead of hoping the moment to apply a trick materializes, our students are able to evaluate and understand what is happening while fencing, and change tactics mid-combat.

Your First Lesson Is On Us

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Meet Our Instructors

Start Your Journey

Our Tattershall instructors  are versed in a number of diverse combat forms. Learn in person at one of our 3 national locations. Or sign up for an Online Classes and learn in the comfort of your own home.

Northern Italian Rapier & Dagger

Previous Class Offerings

From Our Students

“I don’t feel I’m paying enough for the expertise and time spent by the instructor.”

Sue, Michigan

“The live chats were very informative and helped me correct mistakes.”

Carl, North Carolina

I really liked the build each week format. Loved the open discussions.

Eric, Maryland