David Biggs
David Biggs has been a Rector/Instructor with the Tattershall School of Defense since 2005. He began studying swordplay from the historical manuals sometime around 1996 (Saviolo and DiGrassi), and started digging into Ridolfo Capo Ferro in 2001 and Giovanni d’allAgocchie in 2003. While these remain his primary foci, he has also cracked open a few other manuals along the way.
David has been active in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) and the Western Martial Arts (WMA) communities for more than 20 years. In the SCA, he is a member of the Order of the White Scarf, Order of the Laurel, and Order of Defense awarded for knowledge and successful application of historical combat. He was the premier Society Deputy A&S Minister for Historical Combat Studies, and as such helped all kingdoms across the SCA develop rules that allowed for the study of historic combat techniques as an art.
David’s Video Resources
Inclusive Martial Training Strategies
Solo Training with Rapier Series
Using the Vienna Anonymous
Virtual Roundtable for Instructing Swordplay