Tattershall School of Defense

TSD Online Learning

Tattershall School of Defense - Online Classes

These classes are designed to run in an Online Curriculum format, engaging with students and instructors from all over the country for better training at home. We utilize video lesson assignments along with direct instructor feedback and group video chats to provide the best environment possible for critical skill improvement. Access to video recordings of lesson assignments from previous course sessions may be available for purchase. Please contact us at tattershallcontact@gmail.com for details.

Upcoming Classes


Longsword with the Meyer Square

May 12 - August 22, 2021

Instructor:  Jeff Jacobson

This class will explore utilizing the "Meyer Square" diagram as a tool for solo training with the longsword. We will present textual references & exercises from Joachim Meyer's 1570 treatise as well as extrapolated exercises based on his instruction. We will also be creating variations around the areas in which Meyer is less specific in order to enhance our own opportunities for developing new skills.

Weekly lesson plans will be released Wednesdays with live group video meetings on Sunday 4-6pm Pacific to check in on how things are going. Students are encouraged to submit videos of their practice so feedback can be provided by the following Tuesday.

Click here for the full listing.

Previous Classes


Saber/Broadsword in the Roworth Style

January 6 - April 25, 2021

Introduction to Curriculum Design

January 7 - April 28, 2021


Meyer’s Dussack/Messer

May 11 - August 30, 2020

Learn the Northern Italian Rapier System

September 12 - December 12, 2020

Tattershall School of Defense, Southern California
1335 Loma Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90804