Online Learning – Summer Session 2021
Classes and assignments will be administered through Google Classrooms with weekly lesson plans released Wednesdays and live group video meetings on Sundays 7-9pm Eastern Time (4-6pm Pacific).
Longsword with the Meyer Square
May 12 - August 22, 2021
Instructor: Jeff Jacobson
This class will explore utilizing the "Meyer Square" diagram as a tool for solo training with the longsword. We will present textual references & exercises from Joachim Meyer's 1570 treatise as well as extrapolated exercises based on his instruction. We will also be creating variations around the areas in which Meyer is less specific in order to enhance our own opportunities for developing new skills.
Weekly lesson plans will be released Wednesdays with live group video meetings on Sunday 4-6pm Pacific to check in on how things are going. Students are encouraged to submit videos of their practice so feedback can be provided by the following Tuesday.
Sneak Peek Video
Recommended Equipment: Students will need a space to move/practice and some sort longsword simulator (or at least a stick, preferably 46-50” in length). A pell or striking surface is recommended, but not required.
Prerequisites: This class is open to everyone and will provide ample opportunity for growth and development at all ranges of experience.
However, if you new to HEMA, Tattershall, and/or longsword in general, we highly recommend working through this free Intro to Longsword video series that covers many of the fundamental mechanics we will using through the class.
Intro to Longsword Series
Class fees are $140 for the course and require a Tattershall membership [$30 annual] as well as an agreement our Waiver and Code of Conduct policies. Please register through our online form.
Please Sign Up via our online form before May 9th, an invoice will be emailed to your provided address. Class fees must be paid before access to the Google Classroom with be instated. Info for getting started will be posted in the classroom and the first class assignment will be released on May 12th.
Check out the following video for more information or feel free to contact us at with any questions.
Tattershall School of Defense, Southern California
1335 Loma Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90804