Jon Eppler

Italian Rapier, Bolognese Sidesword, Harnischfecten


Jon Eppler has been a student of the sword for over 30 years. He began his fighting career in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) where he is known as Lord Johann Wolfgang von Aue, focusing on first armored combat then rapier and sidesword fencing. In the SCA, he has won a number of Baronial and local Cut and Thrust Tournaments. He also teaches classes at events and occasionally at  the local fighter practice. In College, Jon studied modern foil, epee and saber fencing.

In 1999, Jon became active in the growing the growing WMA/HEMA community where he began studying German and Italian longsword. Jon continues to favor the Bolognese Sidesword and has, in the last few years, returned to historical armored combat participating in Deed of Arms events. In 2000, Jon formed the Tulsa School of Defense where he developed a close relationship with the Tattershall School of Defense eventually bringing the Tulsa School under the Tattershall School of Defense umbrella.

Contact Jon

Tattershall School of Defense, Tulsa
1109 E 6th St, Tulsa, OK 74120